曹嘉文 Tsao, Chia-Wen
校內分機(Campus Extension):34343
Education & Experiences
學歷 (Education)
最高學歷: 美國馬里蘭大學機械工程學系博士
Ph.D.: University of Maryland at College Park,USA. 2008
M.S.: University of Colorado at Boulder,USA. 2004
現職 (Position)
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
經歷 (Experience)
2019 Apr to 2020 Jan. 國立中央大學產學營運中心主任 Director, Center for Academia and Industry Collaboration
2018. Aug to 2019. Apr, 國立中央大學產學營運中心副主任 Deputy Director, Center for Academia and Industry Collaboration
2013 to 2017: 副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2008 to 2013: 助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2016. Jan: 訪問學者 Visiting scholar, Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University, Australia
2016. Feb: 訪問學者 Visiting scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash Universtiy, Australia
2005 ~ 2008: Research Assistant,Maryland Microfluidic Lab University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA
2004 ~ 2005: MEMS Engineer, Touch Micro System Inc. Taoyuan, Taiwan
2002 ~ 2004: Research Assistant, Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO USA
2000 ~ 2002: Mechanical Engineer ,AeroVision Avionics, Inc. Hsinchu, Taiwan
學術服務 (Professional Service)
Associate Editor of IET Micro and Nano Letters (SCI index)
Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Senior Member IEEE 資深會員)
‧ Reviewer of the following SCI-indexed Journals
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS), RSC Advances, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Materials, Advanced Powder technology, Molecular, Micromachine, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Chinese Journal of Mechanics-Series A, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B Polymer Physics, Analytica Chimica Acta, Lab on a Chip.
‧6th Annual World Congress of Nano Science and Technology, Singapore, 2016
-Section chair & Invited speaker
‧2015 5th International Conference on Optofluidics
-Organizing committee
‧12th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2015)
-Conference review coordinator
‧2014 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (IC3MT)
– Organizing committee
‧2013 Annual conference of Materials Research Society-Taiwan (MRS-T)
– Organizing committee
‧2012 Annual Meeting for the Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Republic of China and the 36th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Section
– Section chair & article reviewer
‧17th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference in Taiwan, 2010
– Technical program committee
‧Proceedings of the 27th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, 2010
– Section chair & article reviewer
學術組織會員 (Professional Affiliations)
‧ Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
‧ Member of American Chemical Society (ACS)
‧ Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
‧ 中華民國微系統暨奈米科技協會
Courses Taught
機械製圖 I、機械製圖 II、微機電系統、微流體導論、流體力學、中等流力、高等流力、熱傳學、流力實驗、熱工實驗、專業實習 I&II、專題討論、服務學習
Mechanical Drawing I & II, Microelectricalmechanical system (MEMS), Microfludics, Fluid mechanics, Intermediate fluid mechanics, Advanced fluid mechanics, Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics experiments, Independent study, etc.
Research Areas
微流體 、質譜分析技術、納米系質譜分析技術、 微流體生物反應器設計、微奈米製造 & 微奈米技術、塑膠微加工技術、生物晶片、生物感測技術、微流體強化石油開採技術、微機電系統
Microfluidics、Mass Spectrometry、Nanostructured silicon mass spectrometry analysis、Microfluidic bioreactors design、Micro & Nano Technology、Polymer Microfabrication、Lab-on-a-chip、Biosensor、Micorfluidic model oil enhanced oil recovery、Microelectricalmechanical systems (MEMS)
Micro-Fluidics & Micro-Fabrication Laboratory
Lab News:
uf2 is opening research assistant position for MS Ph.D. international students.
Potential reseeach topics includes:
1. Polymerplastic microfabrication
2. Nanostructured-based mass spectrometry analysis
3. Microfluidic chip design and fabrication
If you are interesting. Please contact Prof.Chia-Wen Tsao email:cwtsao@ncu.edu.tw
Website: uf2.me.ncu.edu.tw
地址: 中央大學機械系大樓 E4-252
電話: (03) 4227151 ext: 37317